3 Mind-Body-Heart Practices For Coping With Uncertain Times

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If you’re feeling extra anxiety these days, you are not alone. We’re all in a state of uncertainty as we’re facing the coronavirus, its economic fallout, and the social disruption sweeping through the country. None of us are going to … Continued

Open Your Heart And Drop The Ego With These 3 Powerful Practices

posted in: Mindfulness | 0

“Our practice rather than being about killing the ego is about simply discovering our true nature.” ~Sharon Salzberg One of the symptoms of living in today’s fast-paced world is the underlying feeling of loneliness, overwhelm, and disconnection. Chronically stressed and under financial and … Continued

Taking Control By Letting Go

posted in: Mindfulness | 2

Growth is as much about doing the things that work as it is about letting go of the things that don’t work. Taking control over your life by letting go might sound counter-intuitive but it actually makes sense. Letting go … Continued


posted in: Mindfulness | 2

It may sound cliche for some, but I’ve started this year with lots of soul searching. I am tired of being & feeling the way I am and I’ve decided something needs to change. I need to change! Some things … Continued